
根岸 昌範*1・高畑 陽*1・井尻 裕二*2・服部 景*3


キーワード:  ゼオライト不織布,放射性セシウム,常緑樹森林,除染

*1 技術センター 土木技術研究所 地盤・岩盤研究室
*2 原子力本部 原子力第三部
*3 特種東海製紙(株)

A Field Study for Transfer Mechanism and Measures to Prevent the Spread of Radioactive Cesium in Evergreen Forest

Masanori NEGISHI*1, Yoh TAKAHATA*1, Yuji IJIRI*2 and Kei HATTORI*3

Since deciduous trees did not have leafs at the time of the accident of Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant, it was presumed that most of the radioactive cesium was delivered directly to the forest floor. On the other hand, in evergreen forests, such as a Japanese cedar forest, continuous supply of radioactive cesium from the tree crown is concerned in addition to leaching due to rainfalls, because the radioactive cesium derived from the accident deposited on tree crown and the life of leaves lasts for several years. A field test was therefore conducted in an Intensive Contamination Survey Area to evaluate the behavior of radioactive cesium in forest environment and the applicability of zeolite-containing nonwoven fabric to prevent radioactive cesium infiltration through the forest floor.

Keywords:  zeolite-containing nonwoven fabric, radioactive cesium, evergreen forest, decontamination

*1 Soil and Rock Engineering Research Section, Civil Engineering Research Institute, Technology Center
*2 Nuclear Facilities Engineering Department III, Nuclear Facilities Division
*3 Tokushu TokaiI Paper Co., Ltd.