
深尾 仁*1・伊藤 宏*1・鈴木 真吾*2・洞田 浩文*1・青柳 絵美*3・若山 恵英*1・鹿毛 俊彦*1


キーワード:  クリーンルーム,実験施設,省エネルギー,フレキシブル,電子デバイス

*1 技術センター 建築技術開発部 建築生産技術開発室
*2 設計本部 設備設計第三部
*3 設計本部 建築設計第六部

Clean Room Experimental Facility of Next Generation

Hitoshi FUKAO*1, Hiromu ITOU*1, Shingo SUZUKI*2, Hirofumi HORATA*1, Emi AOYAGI*3, Yoshihide WAKAYAMA*1 and Toshihiko KAGE*1

Clean room technologies are applied in many facilities such as pharmaceutical factories and electronic device factories. Required technologies for clean rooms are changing with times, and now low-cost, flexibility, and energy conservation are strongly required. Here, we have built a clean room laboratory for the next generation, companied by a showroom of existing clean technologies. The clean room, which has 7.0m ceiling height and 100 square meters floor area, enables heat and particle generation tests with large-sized manufacturing apparatus. Moreover, new air conditioning system enables heat exhaust experiment and local clean experiment with freely moving FFU. With this experimental facility, we will actively engage in joint research with customers.

Keywords:  clean room, experimental facility, energy saving, flexible, electronic devices

*1 Construction Technology Development Section, Building Technology Development Department, Technology Center
*2 M&E Engineering Department (III), Design Division
*3 Architectural Design Department (VI), Design Division