

羽角 華奈子*1・本田 隆英*1・伊藤 一教*1


キーワード:  津波,津波断層モデル,断層破壊伝播速度,ライズタイム

*1 技術センター 土木技術研究所 水域・環境研究室

Tsunami Simulation Considering the Effect of Fault Rupture Velocity and Rise Time

Analysis of Tsunami which Includes Faults Rupture Sequentially from a Starting Point

Kanako HASUMI*1, Takahide HONDA*1 and Kazunori ITO*1

A method to simulate tsunami propagation considering fault rapture velocity and rise time was developed and the validity of the method was confirmed. To examine the effects of the fault rupture velocity and the rise time, two simulations were carried out; considering the rupture velocity and the rise time, and assuming infinite rupture velocity and no rise time. As a result, the sea level rise of former case was smaller than that of the latter case. From the view point of arrival time of tsunami, the result of the simulation considering the rupture velocity and the rise time was earlier than that of the simulation assuming the fault raptures in a moment. It is roughly concluded that tsunami simulation assuming the fault ruptures in a moment gives the safe side result. However, there were some observation points which show the opposite tendencies of water level and arrival time. Therefore, comparing the two simulation results is required to achieve the safe side results at the intended points.

Keywords:  tsunami, tsunami source model, fault rupture velocity, rise time

*1 Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Research Section, Civil Engineering Research Institute, Technology Center