

森田 泰司*1・堀口 賢一*2・豊田 努*3・片山 三郎*4


キーワード:  長距離,カッタービット,耐火セグメント,連続ベルコン,切り拡げ,曲線パイプルーフ

*1 技術センター 土木技術開発部 地下空間開発室
*2 技術センター 土木技術研究所 土木構工法研究室
*3 東京支店 土木工事作業所
*4 技術センター 土木技術開発部

Metropolitan Expressway Shinagawa Line Project

Technology Development to Achieve a Project

Yasushi MORITA*1, Kenichi HORIGUCHI*2, Tsutomu TOYODA*3 and Saburo KATAYAMA*4

“The shield Tunneling Works of the Central Circular Shinagawa Line-2 project” involve shield tunneling for a length of about 8 km from Yashio, Sinagawa ward, to the junction to the Central Circular Sinjuku line near the junction to Metropolitan Expressway Route No.3, Earth pressure balanced shield tunneling method is used in this project, with the shield machine starting at the shaft at Ohi-kita, excavating under Keihin Canal and Megurogawa River, and tunneling under Yamate-dori. Simultaneously with shield tunneling works, road slabs, connecting gelleries galleries, and U-turn passes are constructed. Shield machine take off on December 30, 2009 for It arrives at it December 13, 2011. Construction was completed March, 2013. The technique that developed to achieve this project.

Keywords:  long distance, cutter bit, fireproof segment, consecutive belt conveyors, cut and open, curve pipe roof

*1 Underground Structure Section, Civil Engineering Technology Development Department, Technology Center
*2 Civil Structure and Material Research Section, Civil Engineering Research Institute, Technology Center
*3 Construction Site, Tokyo Branch
*4 Civil Engineering Technology Development Department, Technology Center