
是永 健好*1・小室 努*2・服部 敦志*3・黒岩 秀介*2


キーワード:  超高強度コンクリート,プレキャスト,構工法,多様化

*1 技術センター 建築技術研究所
*2 技術センター 建築技術研究所 建築構工法研究室
*3 設計本部 構造設計第三部

Concrete Technology to Diversify Mainly for Super High-rise Apartment

Takeyoshi KORENAGA*1, Tsutomu KOMURO*2, Atsushi HATTORI*3 and Shusuke KUROIWA*2

As for concrete technology of the general contractors in Japan, the own new technologies can be developed and applied to all the following activities related to building construction, such as the development of materials and the structure system, the structural design, the construction and the maintenance of the building with repair. For the large-scale projects of buildings, especially the super high-rise apartment, the technology development of the new materials and the structure systems are conducted to realize the building performance which customers are satisfied with. In this report, those technologies and buildings related with the high strength concrete and the main structural systems are introduced, and the diversification of the concrete technology is also considered.

Keywords:  ultra high strength concrete, precast, construction method and system, diversification

*1 Building Research Institute, Technology Center
*2 Building System and Material Research Section, Building Research Institute, Technology Center
*3 Structural Engineering Department (III), Design Division