

中村 正寿*1・道越 真太郎*1・長谷見 雄二*2


キーワード:  実規模実験,区画火災,燃焼率,相似則

*1 技術センター 建築技術研究所 防災研究室
*2 早稲田大学

Validation of the Reduced-scale Test Technique for Predicting the Combustion Efficiency in a Compartment Fire with Small Openings

Comparison of Small-scale and Full-scale Tests

Masatoshi NAKAMURA*1, Shintaro MICHIKOSHI*1 and Yuji HASEMI*2

The objective of this study was to confirm that the combustion efficiency in full-scale compartment fire with small openings can be predicted from a reduced-scale test. Our previous experiment had revealed that combustion efficiency is affected by the compartment geometry, including the shape of the openings and the location of the fire source. A testing technique using a geometrically similar but reduced-scale model had been developed to predict the combustion efficiency in a compartment fire with small openings. The technique is based on the results of fire tests using medium- and small-scale compartments. Two full-scale compartment fire tests were conducted using different opening geometries. The measured combustion efficiencies showed good agreement with those of our previous reduced-scale tests, validating the reduced-scale test technique for predicting the combustion efficiency in a full-scale compartment fire.

Keywords:  full-scale test, compartment fire, combustion efficiency, scale law

*1 Disaster Prevention Research Section, Building Engineering Research Institute, Technology Center
*2 Waseda University