
建設技術審査証明報告書(財団法人 土木研究センター)2012年8月改訂の概要

河村 圭亮*1・三桶 達夫*2・福浦 尚之*1・新藤 竹文*3


キーワード:  プレート定着型せん断補強鉄筋,高強度鉄筋,軸方向鉄筋,施工性

*1 技術センター 土木技術研究所 土木構工法研究室
*2 千葉支店 土木工事作業所
*3 技術センター 土木技術研究所

Expansion of Applications for Plate-anchored Shear Reinforcement Bars (Head-bars)

Abstract for Revision of Construction Technology Review and Certification (August 2012)

Keisuke KAWAMURA*1, Tatsuo MIOKE*2, Naoyuki FUKUURA*1 and Takefumi SHINDOH*3

Plate anchored shear reinforcement bars (head-bars) are shear reinforcement bars with round or rectangular plates connected by friction welding instead of the traditional semicircular hook. Since receiving Construction Technology Review and Certification in 1999, these head-bars have been used in many structures and have helped shorten construction times by improving the efficiency of bar arrangement and enhancing construction quality. To expand the range of application, we have revised the Construction Technology Review and Certification as follows based on material tests and member tests. (1) We added new applicable rebar types (diameter, strength). (2) We expanded the application to axial reinforcing bars.

Keywords:  plate-anchored shear reinforcement bars, high-strength reinforcing bar, axial reinforcing bar, construction efficiency

*1 Civil Structure and Material Research Section, Civil Engineering Research Institute, Technology Center
*2 Construction Site, Chiba Branch
*3 Civil Engineering Research Institute, Technology Center