
黒岩 秀介*1・並木 哲*1・辻谷 薫*2・正長 眞理*3・名和 豊春*4


キーワード:  コンクリート,収縮低減剤,乾燥収縮,凍結融解試験,促進中性化試験

*1 技術センター 建築技術研究所 建築構工法研究室
*2 建築本部 技術部
*3 (株)日本触媒
*4 北海道大学

Practical Application of Concrete Containing a New Water-holding, Shrinkage-reducing Agent

Shusuke KUROIWA*1, Satoru NAMIKI*1, Kaoru TUJIYA*2, Mari MASANAGA*3 and Toyoharu NAWA*4

Concerns about cracking in concrete structures have grown in recent years. The cracking can be controlled very effectively by using a shrinkage-reducing agent to reduce the drying shrinkage of concrete. However, conventional shrinkage-reducing agents have some issues, such as difficulty in adjusting the concrete’s air content and a significant decrease in freezing and thawing resistance. We conducted a feasibility study on a new shrinkage-reducing agent that reduces the shrinkage by retaining moisture in the concrete. This new shrinkage-reducing agent simultaneously reduces shrinkage and improves freezing and thawing resistance. Compared to conventional shrinkage-reducing agents, this new shrinkage-reducing agent provides superior concrete workability.

Keywords:  concrete, shrinkage reducing agent, drying shrinkage, freezing and thawing test, accelerated carbonation test

*1 Building System and Material Research Section, Building Engineering Research Institute, Technology Center
*2 Technology Promotion Department Building Construction Division
*3 Nippon Shokubai Co., Ltd
*4 Hokkaido University