

森川 泰成*1

ICTを活用した研究開発の方向性について述べる。 ICTを活用した技術の導入は,建設産業全体のステージを一変させる大きな可能性を秘めている。今後の研究開発においては,人間の脳を補完し,理解力を向上させ,アイデアを誘発させるようなICTの仕組み作りが重要となる。 建設におけるICTの利活用は,建設業が知的集約産業へ転換して行くための有効なトリガーとなるであろう。

キーワード: ICT,BIM,情報化施工,研究開発,知的集約産業

*1 技術センター 建築技術研究所

Research and Development by Application of ICT for Engineering

Yasushige MORIKAWA*1

This report describes which direction research and development should go to, when applying ICT to engineering. Use of the ICT implemented technology has a large potential to alter the picture of the whole construction industry. It is important, in the future R & D, to build an ICT framework, such that ICT will share part of human brain, enabling us to improve learning ability and to create new ideas. The ICT application to engineering will be an effective means for the construction business to step into a new intelligence-intensive industry.

Keywords:  ICT, BIM, observational construction, research and development, intelligence-intensive industry

*1 Building Engineering Research Institute, Technology Center