

小池 真史*1・田口 敬介*2・大島 基義*3・青木 智幸*1・田村 武*4


キーワード:  三次元逐次掘削解析,めがねトンネル,支保,滑り,吹付けコンクリートの硬化

*1 技術センター 土木技術研究所 地盤・岩盤研究室
*2 西日本高速道路(株)
*3 関西支店 第二京阪小路トンネル工事作業所
*4 京都大学大学院 工学研究科 社会基盤工学専攻

Advanced Tunnel Excavation Analysis

Three-Dimensional Excavation Analysis, Taking into Consideration Shotcrete Hardening and Tunnel Support-Ground Slip

Masashi KOIKE*1, Keisuke TAGUCHI*2, Motoyoshi OSHIMA*3, Tomoyuki AOKI*1 and Takeshi TAMURA*4

This paper focuses on two phenomena encountered in tunnelling: shotcrete hardening during tunnel excavation, and interface slip/separation between the tunnel support and the ground. To clarify the effects of these phenomena on support stress, a three-dimensional incremental excavation analysis, which can reproduce the above phenomena, was performed. The analysis was validated by comparing the results of the analysis with field measurements obtained during the construction of the Shoji Tunnel, which is a double adjoined binocular tunnel.

Keywords:  3D analysis, binocular tunnel, support, slip, hardening of shotcrete

*1 Soil and Rock Engineering Research Section, Civil Engineering Research Institute, Technology Center
*2 West Nippon Expressway Company Limited
*3 Shoji Tunnel Construction Site, Kansai Branch
*4 Department of Civil and Earth Resources Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University