
竹崎 真一*1・是永 健好*1・萱嶋 誠*2・佐藤 啓治*3・大石 哲哉*3


キーワード:  プレテンション方式,プレストレス,PC鋼より線,あき寸法,付着性状,地震荷重

*1 技術センター 建築技術研究所 建築構工法研究室
*2 技術センター 建築技術開発部 建築生産技術開発室
*3 関西支店 設計部

Development of Low-Cost Long-Span Beam

Shinichi TAKEZAKI *1, Takeyoshi KORENAGA *1, Makoto KAYASHIMA *2, Yoshiharu SATO *3 and Tetsuya OISHI *3

Precast concrete beams that are prestressed using a pretensioning system are useful in buildings with long spans, because such beams have excellent lifting power due to the eccentric moment at their center. Adding prestressing strands in the row furthest from the center of the section allows more prestressing to be applied because the eccentric moment is proportional to both prestressing force and eccentricity. On the other hand, the number of the prestressing strands that in the row is limited by the required clearance and the cover for the prestressing strands. If the clearance between prestressing strands could be reduced by the three or more diameters specified in the present PC standard, it would be possible to add more strands could.
To develop a PC beam that requires less steel by reducing the prestressing strand spacings, an element test and a full-scale beam model test were carried out.

Keywords:  pretension system, prestressing, prestressing strand, clearance dimension, bond behavior, seismic load

*1 Building System and Material Research Section, Building Engineering Research Institute, Technology Center
*2 Construction Technology Development Section, Building Technology Development Department, Technology Center
*3 Design Department, Kansai Branch