

梅田 和彦*1


キーワード:  ネット,給水,蒸発冷却,日射遮蔽,二酸化炭素,仮設事務所

*1 技術センター 建築技術研究所 環境研究室

Research on Mitigation of Hot Climatic Environment under Construction by using Net with Capability of Water Supply for Cooling

Investigation on Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions in a Temporary Field Office

Kazuhiko UMEDA *1

In recent years, global warming has become an issue of general concern to society. An important consideration in the architecture and civil engineering fields is how to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, which contribute to global warming, from temporary works during construction.
The purpose of this study is to mitigate hot climatic conditions during construction work using the cooling capability of a net supplied with water. The author conducted outdoor measurements for the purpose of investigating the evaporative cooling effects of a net using water supply. Using these measurements, the reduction in carbon dioxide emissions that could be achieved by cooling a temporary field office were calculated. The main results of this study can be summarized as follows:
1) When the netting is kept wet in hot weather, the air temperature nearby tends to be lower by approximately 1.5 degrees Celsius.
2) The cooling load for a temporary field office can be reduced by about 10 % through the use of a net using water supply.
3) This reduction in cooling load reduces carbon dioxide emissions by about 2 kg-CO2/m2.

Keywords:  net, water supply, evaporative cooling, solar shading, carbon dioxide, temporary field office

*1 Environmental Engineering Research Section, Building Engineering Research Institute, Technology Center