

本橋 比奈子*1・大黒 雅之*1・深尾 仁*1


キーワード:  空調排熱連成,ヒートアイランド,風の道,空地,都市計画

*1 技術センター 建築技術研究所 環境研究室

Study of Effects of Building Layout on Carbon Dioxide Emissions

Overall Evaluation of Building Energy Conservation and Outdoor Thermal Environment Considering Coupled Exhaust Heat of Air-Conditioning

Hinako MOTOHASHI *1, Masayuki OGURO *1 and Hitoshi FUKAO *1

In this paper, we evaluate the effects of building layout, thermal insulation, and types of exhaust heat from building on energy conservation and the outdoor environment by using a program that couples the exhaust heat of air-conditioning systems. In heat island analysis, the conventional approach is to configure a constant value of exhaust heat considering the size of the building and its use. But in fact, the amount of exhaust heat depends on the outdoor environment as well. Here, we develop a program that calculates the exhaust heat value in consideration of the ambient environment, as defined in terms of outdoor air and the composition of city blocks.
It is found that when the city blocks have open spaces, the value of exhaust heat is 10% greater than when there are no open spaces. If the building is thermally isolated, then even with open spaces, exhaust heat is low and the outdoor thermal environment is maintained well.

Keywords:  coupled exhaust heat of air-conditioning, heat island phenomenon, wind flow, open spaces, urban planning

*1 Environmental Engineering Research Section, Building Engineering Research Institute, Technology Center