
三桶 達夫*1・市原 三馨*1・丸屋 剛*1・小野 聖久*2・広瀬 剛*3・本間 淳史*2


キーワード: アルカリ骨材反応,RC橋脚,交番載荷試験,耐震性能,ファイバーモデル

*1 技術センター土木技術研究所土木構工法研究室
*2 (株)高速道路総合技術研究所 道路研究部橋梁研究室
*3 東日本高速道路(株)関東支社建設事業部外環建設チーム

A Study of the Seismic Performance of Cross-sections of Concrete Structures that have Undergone Deterioration from Alkali-Silica Reaction

Tatsuo MIOKE *1, Mika ICHIHARA *1, Tsuyoshi MARUYA *1, Kiyohisa ONO *2, Takeshi HIROSE *3 and Atsushi HOMMA *2

The main purpose of this study was to establish an efficient method of predicting the performance of concrete structures that have undergone deterioration from Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR). In order to evaluate the effect that the ASR stage has on the members of a concrete structure, another loading test was performed using a column test-piece with advanced ASR.
The results of the tests show that the ASR stage has a small influence on the members' capacity, ductility, and seismic performance, limiting the range of the expansion strain level in these tests.

Keywords: Alkali-Silica Reaction, RC-pier, reverse cyclic loading test, seismic performance, fiber model

*1 Civil Structure and Material Research Section, Civil Engineering Research Institute, Technology Center
*2 Nippon Expressway Research Institute Company Limited
*3 East Nippon Expressway Company Limited