

中村 敏治*1・藤井 俊二*2・村田 勤*3・芳村 学*4・中村 孝也*4・永作 智也*4


キーワード: 耐震補強法,ペンシルビル,ポストヘッドバー,ダイヤモンドコアドリル,せん断破壊,付着破壊

*1 技術センター建築技術開発部生産技術開発室
*2 技術センター建築技術研究所
*3 建築本部技術部技術計画部
*4 首都大学東京大学院・都市環境科学研究科

Seismic Retrofit Method for One-span Buildings Applicable from Outside

Application of Post-Head-bar (PHb) to Building Columns

Toshiharu NAKAMURA *1, Shunji FUJII *2, Tsutomu MURATA *3, Manabu YOSHIMURA *4, Takaya NAKAMURA *4 and Tomoya NAGASAKU *4

The authors have developed unique Post-Head-bar (PHb) method for increasing the shear strength of columns in a one-span building. The low-cost method can be applied from the outside of the building and generates little vibration and noise. The PHb works together with the building column's existing hoop to prevent shear failure. In this study, the authors examined methods for determining a structure's performance, as well as construction methods that could be used in narrow spaces. A construction experiment confirmed that the use of a high-frequency diamond core drill shortens the drilling time. Moreover, the method can be used in narrow spaces and generates little vibration and noise. A lateral load test on the column confirmed that a PHb-reinforced column has higher shear strength and improved deformation capacity. A PHb pull-out test confirmed that the PHb yields when it consists of D16 or smaller rebar embedded to a depth of 125 mm or deeper.

Keywords: strengthening method, one-span building, Post-Head-bar, diamond core drill, shear failure, bond failure

*1 Construction Technology Development Section, Building Technology Development Department, Technology Center
*2 Building Research Institute, Technology Center
*3 Building Construction Division
*4 Graduate school of Architecture and Building Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University