

川井 俊介*1・志波 由紀夫*2・檜垣 貫司*1・鈴木 毅彦*3・小泉 亮之祐*4・島田 俊介*5


キーワード: 誘導式水平ボーリング,浸透注入,液状化,地盤改良

Development of Chemical Grouting Method Using Flexible Boring

- Hybrid System of Horizontal Directional Drilling and either Chemical Grouting or Soil Remediation -

Shunsuke KAWAI *1, Yukio SHIBA *2, Kanji HIGAKI *1, Takehiko SUZUKI *3, Ryounosuke KOIZUMI *4 and Shunsuke SIMADA *5

As the HDD, Horizontal Directional Drilling, technique is equipped with both a transmitter and a special bit at the head of the drill rod, it is useful when controlling to the arbitrary direction even in the underground.
The new hybrid system has been developed by combining chemical grouting method and the HDD. The system is distinctive in that it is possible to retrieve the transmitter immediately after drilling at the destination and to inject from multiple points simultaneously at grouting. As the results of a field test using the system, it was confirmed that it was able to increase unconfined compressive strength which is required for a countermeasure against liquefaction, and that improved sand body was observed to be targeted size and shape. As the system improves the efficiency at chemical grouting, it is expected that construction cost and a period of construction will be fairly reduced. Also, the system can be applied to remediation works at soil and/or groundwater contamination sites.

keywords: horizontal directional drilling, permeation grouting, liquefaction, soil improvement

*1 技術センター土木技術研究所地盤・岩盤研究室
*2 技術センター土木技術研究所土木構工法研究室
*3 (株)関配パイプライン事業部
*4 三信建設工業(株)技術開発部
*5 強化土エンジニヤリング(株)

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