

森田 泰司*1・渡部 昭一*1・高倉 克彦*1・西川 満*1・伊賀崎 圭*2・常田 和哉*1


キーワード: 大深度,非開削,分岐合流

Preceding Outer Shell Construction by Using a Jacking Method for Tunnel Diverging and Merging

- Development of Deep Underground Pre-Shell Method -

Yasushi MORITA *1, Shoichi WATABE *1, Katsuhiko TAKAKURA *1, Mitsuru NISHIKAWA *1, Kei IKAZAKI *2 and Kazuya TSUNETA *1

The non cut-and-cover tunneling method is required to construct a deep underground road tunnel with a large section for diverging and merging. We have developed the Deep Underground Pre-Shell Method by improving the existing pre-shell method for the underpass tunnel construction. During the construction of deep underground tunnel with large space, a method to prevent ground subsidence is required. This paper describes the simulations to estimate ground subsidence caused by utilizing the newly developed method. As a result of this study, the effectiveness and safeness of this method were confirmed.

keywords: deep underground, non-opencut, junction

*1 技術センター土木技術開発部地下空間開発室
*2 土木本部土木設計部

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