

福浦 尚之*1・三桶 達夫*1


キーワード: 超高強度繊維補強コンクリート,高じん性,引張軟化,寸法効果

Modeling of Tension Softening Behavior for Ultra High Strength Fiber Reinforced Concrete "Ductal"

- Direct Tensile Test and Back Analysis of Flexural Test -

Naoyuki FUKUURA *1 and Tatsuo MIOKE *1

To investigate the influence of the pouring method on fiber orientation and the tension softening curve for RPC small specimens, direct tensile tests and the back analyses of bending tests were conducted. It was shown that tension softening curves were much influenced by the pouring method, and that fracture energy (Gf) can be correlated with tensile strength (ft), which is affected by the amount and directions of fibers on crack surfaces.

keywords: ultra high strength fiber reinforced concrete, high-ductility, tension softening, size effect

*1 技術センター 土木技術研究所 土木構工法研究室

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