
帆秋 利洋*1・天石 文*1・小嶋 令一*2・羽川 富夫*2・大原 孝彦*3


キーワード: メタン発酵,乾式,バイオガス,生ゴミ,家畜排泄物,微生物

A Recent Trend and a Subject of Development for the Methane Fermentation

Toshihiro HOAKI *1, Aya AMAISHI *1, Reiichi OJIMA *2, Tomio HAGAWA *2 and Takahiko OHARA *3

Methane fermentation has mainly applied for rapid treatment of high concentration of waste water. Therefore solid organic waste such as the garbage has been treated for soluble organic compounds by addition of water. However, it has a problem that initial and running cost of the facility is expensive due to secondary wastewater treatment. Practical application of methane fermentation is not distributed for this reason despite of the Biomass-Nippon plan has already decided by the Cabinet of Japanese Government in 2002. Recently, dry methane fermentation, which digests the organic wastes directly, attracts attention to ferment the solid organic wastes. This method has several advantages including decrease the plant capacity, no necessity for secondary facilities. In this paper, we describe the subject of dry methane fermentation for the widespread application in the future.

keywords: methane fermentation, dry methane fermentation, bio-gas, garbage, livestock excreta, bacteria

*1 技術センター土木技術研究所水域・生物環境研究室
*2 エンジニアリング本部エネルギー・インフラ施設グループ
*3 札幌支店営業部

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