
瀧 寛則*1・鈴木 伸之*2・高橋 秀行*3


キーワード: バイオディーゼル燃料,植物油,二酸化炭素,温室効果ガス,京都議定書

Production of Biodiesel Fuel from Waste Vegetable Oil

Hironori TAKI *1, Nobuyuki SUZUKI *2 and Hideyuki TAKAHASHI *3

Kyoto protocol became effective in 2005. We have to reduce the total amount of CO2 emission, especially in transportation category. Using Biodiesel fuel (BDF) as alternative energy is one of the most effective method to provide carbon neutral energy because BDF is made from vegetable oil. Additionally, BDF is a clean-burning fuel as compared to fossil fuel.
In this paper, optimal conditions to produce BDF from waste vegetable oil was investigated. Also, further technical issues for production of BDF and effectiveness of BDF utilization on the global environment were reported.

keywords: biodiesel fuel, vegetable oil, carbon dioxide, green house gas, Kyoto protocol

*1 技術センター建築技術研究所環境研究室
*2 エコロジー本部環境計画・アセスメントグループ
*3 エンジニアリング本部エネルギー・インフラ施設グループ

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