

森川 泰成*1・小柳 秀光*2

2005年2月に京都議定書が発効し、従来の室内環境問題や地震等の災害対策と同様に地球環境問題への対応が急務となっている。そうした状況の中で、建設工学の分野では「サステナブル・ビルディング」という概念が考案されており、同時に建築物の環境性能評価ツールとして「CASBEE」(Comprehensive Assessment System for Building Environmental Efficiency)が開発されている。

キーワード: サステナブル,CASBEE,ファクター

Current Trends and Future Prospects for Sustainable Architecture

- New Horizons Utilizing the CASBEE Concept -

Yasushige MORIKAWA *1 and Hidemitu KOYANAGI *2

After the Kyoto Protocol became effective, it has become more important to take measures to ameliorate earth-environmental problems in addition to indoor environmental problems and disaster damage. In order to deal with these problems, the building engineering field has developed the concept "Sustainable Architecture" and a comprehensive assessment system for building environmental efficiency (CASBEE).
In this study, we first explain the concepts of "Sustainability" and "Sustainable Architecture" and confirm the necessity of these concepts by biological theory. We then proceed to describe the "CASBEE" concept and outline our company's work with respect to "Sustainable Architecture". We also describe and develop a technology map for achieving the goals of "Sustainable Architecture".

keywords: sustainable, CASBEE, factor

*1 技術センター建築技術開発部ニューフロンティア技術開発室
*2 技術センター建築技術研究所環境研究室

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