
深尾 仁*1


キーワード: 省エネルギー,新エネルギー,ヒートアイランド,空調換気システム,太陽光発電

The Technologies for Energy Saving and Heat Island Improvement

Hitoshi FUKAO *1

Japan needs to achieve a 6% reduction of Green House Gas emissions during the first 5-year commitment period of 2008 to 2012. However, the present energy consumption is increasing, especially in the transportation sector, houses and offices. So, it is necessary to formulate new regulations and achieve further the progress of technologies.
In this report, the author outlines the trends in the governmental and private companies with respect to regulations and energy saving technologies, including the use of "New Energy" and Heat Island improvement.
Also, some of the technologies developed by our company after 2001 are introduced. That is such as energy saving technologies for existing buildings, Thermal Storage Air Conditioning System, PV, Ground Source Heat Pump System, Fuel Cell-CHP, Greening and Numerical Simulation for Heat Island.

keywords: energy-saving , new energy , heat island , air conditioning ventilation system , photovoltaic power generation

*1 技術センター建築技術研究所環境研究室

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