
高畑 陽*1・瀧 寛則*2・副島 敬道*2・伊藤 雅子*3・松尾 寿峰*4・有山 元茂*4


キーワード: バイオレメディエーション,微生物,石油汚染土壌,揮発性有機化合物,生物学的脱窒,シアン化合物

A Recent Trend and Development in Bioremediation Technology

Yoh TAKAHATA *1, Hironori TAKI *2, Takamichi SOEJIMA *2, Masako ITO *3, Toshimine MATSUO *4 and Motoshige ARIYAMA *4

Bioremediation is technology to alleviate contamination in soil and groundwater by means of activated effective microorganisms. The advantages of bioremediation are low impact for surrounding environment and cost-effectiveness as compared to physical and chemical operations. We have developed more advanced technologies for varied contaminants, such as on-site bio-pile and landfarming techniques for petroleum-contaminated soils, in-situ treatments for volatile organic compounds, permeable bio-barriers for nitrate-contaminated groundwater, and detoxification of cyanide-contaminated groundwater. The preliminary feasibility test and monitoring methods for contaminated soil or groundwater have been developed to ensure steady operation of bioremediation at the contaminated site.

keywords: bioremediation, microorganisms, petroleum-contaminated soil, VOCs, biological denitrification, cyanide compounds

*1 技術センター土木技術研究所水域・生物環境研究室
*2 技術センター建築技術研究所環境研究室
*3 技術センター土木技術研究所地盤・岩盤研究室
*4 エコロジー本部土壌環境事業部技術グループ

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