竹内 伸介*1・関根 賢太郎*1・渡辺 健一郎*2・寺阪 知明*3・石黒 邦道*4・刑部 尚樹*5・柴田 理*6
キーワード:  熱源性能評価,システムCOP,年間エネルギー消費量,業務用建築物,実測評価
Study on Efficiency of Heat Source Machine System for Business-Use Buildings
- Measurement Evaluation of Heat Source Machine System COP of Two Office Buildings -
Shinsuke TAKEUCHI*1, Kentaro SEKINE*1, Kenichiro WATANABE*2, Tomoaki TERASAKA*3, Kunimichi ISHIGURO*4, Naoki OSAKABE*5 and Osamu SHIBATA*6
It is thought that evaluating by System COP is most appropriate as an index not based on the use or scale of a building, but a heat source performance can be evaluated. In this research, existing two office buildings adopted the central heat source system was extracted, measurement investigation was conducted, the annual energy consumption, the rate of load and COP of heat source machine, and System COP were computed, and evaluation and analysis were performed. It is reported that the average system COP of a central heat source system is about 0.5 to 0.6, and two office buildings investigated this time brought a result exceeding the value. Although construction of an efficient system was needed in order to aim at further improvement in System COP, knowledge that the operation method and the selection of pump, cooling tower, etc. of heat source machine become a big factor was also acquired.
keywords:  Performance Evaluation of Heat Source, System COP, Annual Energy Consumption, Business-Use Building, Measurement Evaluation
*1 技術センター建築技術研究所環境研究室
*2 エンジニアリング本部エネルギー・インフラ施設グループ
*3 エンジニアリング本部本部生産施設グループ−1
*4 (株)タイセイ総合研究所
*5 東京ガス(株)
*6 東京ガス豊洲開発(株)