谷 卓也*1・青木 智幸*1・上田 孝行*2・内田 渉*2・梁川 俊晃*3
キーワード:  NATM,大断面トンネル,補助ベンチ,斜めボルト,三次元解析
Estimation of the Stability of Tunnel Face while Excavating a Large Cross-section Tunnnel
- Auxiliary Bench-cut Tunneling Method with Inclined Bolting System -
Takuya TANI *1, Tomoyuki AOKI *1, Takayuki UEDA *2, Wataru UCHIDA *2 and Toshiaki YANAGAWA *3
To stabilize the face of large cross-section tunnel, auxiliary bench-cut tunneling method with inclined bolting system was adopted for up-line Konan Tunnel that runs through weathered granite. Although, this excavation method is expected adequate in effects of face stabilization, its effects on the face stability have not been quantitatively evaluated. Then, three-dimensional numerical analysis and test excavation are carried out to estimate a displacement of tunnel face and other behaviors.
The numerical analyses demonstrated the auxiliary bench-cut method had a significant effect of reducing extruding displacements of tunnel face;there was almost no difference between the inclined bolting and ordinary vertical one in the effect of support pressure. The measured results indicated the effect of rock mass reinforcement.
keywords:  NATM, large cross-section tunnel, auxiliary bench, inclined rock bolt, three-dimensional analysis
*1 技術センター土木技術研究所地盤・岩盤研究室
*2 関西支店土木工事作業所
*3 日本道路公団関西支社