湯口 正樹・潮田 悦郎・金子 研一・植田 堅朗・大畑 裕
キーワード:  アンダーパス,シールド工法,交通渋滞,交差点,ハーモニカ
Development of a Building Method of a Large Tunnel by Integrated Small Shields
- Harmonica Method -
Masaki YUGUCHI, Eturou USHIODA, Kenichi KANEKO, Kenrou UEDA and Yutaka OOHATA
We are developing a new technique of building a large tunnel by piling up small shield tunnels, as a way of making underpasses at the intersection between a railway and a roadway, or between two roadways.
A tunnel is divided into several sections as if mouthpiece of a harmonica and each section is built individually, and then they are connected together. The miniaturization of machines makes it possible to build a tunnel which is shallow ground. Moreover, during the execution it does not significantly damages the ground, because of its cross-sectional structure. Since they are built partly, it eases traffic congestion. It is also suitable for a long distance or a curve-lined section.
keywords:  Underpass, Shield Driving Method, Traffic Jam, Interchange, Harmonica