石崎 定幸・長島 一郎・高木 政美・真島 正人
 模型杭による杭頭水平静加力実験とその3次元FEM 解析を行い,解析精度の検証を行うとともに,杭周辺地盤の非線形性について詳細な検討を行った.実験では,隣接杭の影響が無視できるよう十分距離をおいて2本の杭を設置した.しかし,載荷方向前側の杭の応力は,後側の杭より大きい傾向があり,これは,模型作成時の地盤のゆるみが繰り返し載荷により締固まった結果と考えられる.3次元FEM解析では,低拘束圧下における地盤および杭周辺地盤の局所的非線形性を適切に評価することにより,模型作成時のゆるみがなくなった載荷方向前側の杭の実験結果と良い対応を示すことを示した.
キーワード:  3次元有限要素法,地盤,杭,非線形相互作用,杭頭水平静加力試験,p-y関係
Lateral Loading Test on the Model Pile and Its Simulation Using 3D-FEM Analysis
Sadayuki ISHIZAKI, Ichiro NAGASHIMA, Masayoshi TAKAKI and Masato MAJIMA
Lateral loading tests were conducted on model piles to investigate the nonlinear interaction between soil and piles. A 3D FEM analysis is then carried out to simulate the test results, where the 2nd invariant of stress and strain deviators are introduced to consider the 3D nonlinearity of soil. It is shown that the 3D FEM analysis has good potential to accurately simulate the test results such as lateral load-displacement relationships, bending moment, shear force and subgrade reaction force along the piles. Characteristic features of the subgrade reaction coefficient - displacement relationships at each soil depth are discussed through a comparison with conventional modeling method.
keywords:  3D finite element, Soil, Pile, Nonlinear interaction, Lateral loading test on pile, P-y curves