
帆秋 利洋・高畑 陽・瀧 寛則・高原 誠吉*1

1) 有機物の混入はバクテリアの増殖を促し,海水の混入はスライムバクテリアとスケール形成の双方にとって不利となるため,循環利用する際には水質浄化した後にRO(逆浸透膜)等で脱塩したタンク底水を再利用することが望ましい.
2) 水封水の供給を停止すると,トンネル内ライニング材よりアルカリ成分が溶出してタンク底水がアルカリ化する.高アルカリの水封水はスケールの形成を促進し,岩盤亀裂中での透水性障害を生じる.従って,空気曝気等でpHを中和した後に再利用することが望ましい.

キーワード: 原油岩盤備蓄,水封システム,スライムバクテリア,スケール,地下水

Study on Water Quality of Water Curtain System for Oil Storage Cavern in Rock
Conditions for bacteria slime and scale formation

Toshihiro Hoaki, Yoh Takahata, Hironori Taki and Seikichi Takahara*1

We studied on the causes of clogging in the water curtain system for oil storage cavern in rock. In the results of this study, we suggest the following important notices for recycling of the water curtain system.
1) Growth of microorganisms is stimulation by contamination of organic matter into groundwater. And formations of bacterial slim and scale are also enhancement by contamination of sea water into groundwater. Therefore it is important to introduce a RO (Reverse Osmosis) process after the waste water treatment process for recycling the water curtain system.
2) Bottom water in the oil storage cavern changes to alkaline by elution of mortar components which is used as inner lining of storage cavern, if water curtain system is stopped. Formation of scale is stimulated by alkaline water including groundwater or sea water. Therefore it is necessary to make neutral water by aeration before recycling the water.

keywords: oil storage cavern, water curtain system, bacterial slime, scale, groundwater
*1 大成サービス(株)