
吉川 優・浅見 豊・井上 哲士朗・篠崎 洋三・藤山 淳司


キーワード: アンテナタワー,風振動,空力実験,空力振動実験,全弾性模型実験,渦励振

Characteristics of Wind Induced Response for Broadcasting Antenna Tower

Masaru Yoshikawa, Yutaka Asami, Tetsushiro Inoue, Yozo Shinozaki and Junji Toyama

Wind tunnel tests were performed to evaluate the characteristics of wind-induced response for planning broadcasting antenna towers. First, aerodynamic force balance tests were carried out to estimate the along-wind force. The properties of along-wind vibration were calculated by response analyses with the test data. Second, aerodynamic vibration tests were performed to measure the cross-wind vibration of the tower. The resonance of the "gain tower" was observed at specific wind speeds and in specific directions.

keywords: antenna tower, wind induced response, aerodynamic force balance test, aerodynamic vibration test, full elastic model test, vortex induced vibration