
藤原 斉郁・樋口 雄一・檜垣 貫司・森 雄治・臼井 直人・押方 利郎


キーワード: 最終処分場,遮水層,アスファルト,ベントナイト,吹付け,急斜面

Development of lining method by spraying asphalt fortified clay material

Tadafumi Fujiwara, Youichi Higuchi, Kanji Higaki, Yuuji Mori, Naoto Usui and Toshirou Oshikata

Impervious layer is one of the most important parts of landfill. Authors developed the new material for liner which can be constructed by spraying to the steep slope. The material is consist of soil, bentonite and asphalt emulsion. In this paper, laboratory and in-situ spraying tests of the liner material were carried out. From the result of tests, there is no problem in the application to the slope liner.

keywords: landfill, liner, asphalt, bentonite, spray, steep slope