
大谷 崇・藤原 靖

幾つかの物性値を経時的に計測した結果,温度変化とハンドベーンせん断試験機による0.17〜33.4 kN/m2のせん断強さのモニタリングの組合せで,ソイルセメントの凝結遅延時間と凝結開始時の性状変化を明確に追跡できた.これら物性値を,施工現場でも計測可能な凝結遅延型ソイルセメントの品質管理の指標に提案する.

キーワード: ソイルセメント,凝結硬化,流動性,品質管理,温度,せん断強さ

Monitoring method of setting behavior and quality control of retarded solidified soil cement materials

Takashi Ootani and Yasushi Fujiwara

Methods of confirmation of setting time and setting behavior for soil-cement mixtures controlled setting time, such as bentonite slurry material and soil cement, are important.
In this laboratory test, properties of retarded solidified soil cement before hardening were measured, changing content of retarding admixture.
At result, the combination of change of temperature and shear strength (0.17〜33.4 kN/m2) measured by hand-vane shear test made confirmation of setting time and setting behavior possible. These properties are proposed for indexes of quality control of setting time of retarded solidified soil cement.

keywords: soil-cement, setting, fluidity, quality control, temperature, shear strength